math 546: manifolds

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week 1

27 March - 31 March

Monday: Welcome & warmup

Wednesday: Lie groups

Friday: Group actions and equivariance

week 2

3 April - 7 April

Monday: Vector fields

Wednesday: Lie brackets

Friday: Lie algebras

week 3

10 April - 14 April

Monday: Integral curves and flows

Wednesday: Lie derivatives

Friday: Vector bundles

week 4

17 April - 21 April

Monday: More vector bundles

Wednesday: Cotangent bundle

Friday: Line integrals and conservative covector fields

week 5

24 April - 28 April

Monday: Tensors

Wednesday: Tensor fields

Friday: Differential forms

week 6

1 May - 5 May

Monday: Orientations

Wednesday: Orientations and covering maps

Friday: Integration of differential forms

week 7

8 May - 12 May

Monday: Stokes’ theorem

Wednesday: de Rham cohomology

Friday: Homotopy invariance and Mayer-Vietoris

week 8

15 May - 19 May

Monday: Degree theory

Wednesday: Singular cohomology

Friday: The de Rham theorem

week 9

22 May - 26 May

Monday: Riemannian manifolds

Wednesday: The tangent-cotangent isomorphism

  • Reading: pp.337-343

Friday: Quotient manifolds

week 10

29 May - 2 June

Monday: Memorial Day, no class

Wednesday: Review

Friday: Review

finals week

5 June - 9 June