the internet presence of kyle ormsby

Welcome! I am an associate professor of mathematics at Reed College; I also chair the department. My research lies at the interface of homotopy theory, algebraic geometry, and combinatorics. This year I am teaching Math 201 (linear algebra) in the fall, Math 113 (discrete structures) and Math 442 (algebraic topology) in the spring, continuing my pure mathematics research, and applying topological and geometric methods to neuroimaging data with NACC. You can access my past teaching materials here. This site also contains my blog, and here is my CV, updated November 2023.

I believe that all of us have the ability and right to take joy in mathematics. Everybody counts.

The homotopy groups of $\mathrm{TMF}_0(5)$.
The homotopy groups of $\mathrm{TMF}_0(5)$ are given by this $\delta^4$-periodic pattern.