math 111: calculus
Course page for Math 111: Calculus
Course page for Math 111: Calculus
Course page for Math 113: Discrete Structures
Course page for Math 201: Linear Algebra
Course page for Math 224 E/G: Advanced Multivariable Calculus
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Course page for Math 411: Topics in Advanced Analysis
Course page for Math 544: Topology & Geometry of Manifolds
Course page for Math 545: Topology & Geometry of Manifolds
Course page for Math 546: Topology & Geometry of Manifolds
Course page for Math 583B: Topological Data Analysis
academic website and blog
in which i describe my past in the third-person
schedule and resources for 2023 eCHT REU
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research papers, student papers, exposition, and conferences
schedule and resources for 2023 Reed College symmetry and TDA program
schedule and resources for 2021 PCMI UFP